Peacefully Ridding the World of Evil Governments and Replacing Them with Good Ones

When people act corruptly as though such actions are normal, they are evil and must urgently be stopped.

All current governments are evil.  That is why they cannot be trusted.

All parents are either fools or victims of ignorance and/or cruelty.

All children are victims of evil governments.  Many are also victims of foolish and/or cruel parents, or at least ignorant ones.

Political history has much in common with formula fiction.  The corrupt have always gained power unjustly and maintained it through cruelty.

Affluence and political influence in Australia have often been the result of gambling.

All corrupt practices are gambles.

Giving public money away to the rich is corrupt.

Giving public money away to encourage gas production is corrupt.

Giving public money away to support coal mining is corrupt.

Failing to acknowledge a blatant conflict of interest is corrupt.

Giving public money to self-indulgent pursuits while under-funding essential public services is corrupt.

While quite a few countries will attempt to reduce methane emissions, Australia will not.

Suddenly breaking major contractual agreements between governments is corrupt

Ignoring international obligations is corrupt.

Political hypocrisy is corrupt.

Political cruelty is corrupt.

Political arrogance is corrupt.

Most people in positions of political leadership, in any part of the world, are utterly evil, or utterly stupid, or both.

Obviously, the people in charge of the political organisations with control of government policies and practices in Australia do not care about most Australian citizens.

Why has the Australian government apparently preferred to encourage greed and other abuses, in many areas of public policy, while bullying the relatively poor?

Why has the Australian government apparently had too much difficulty in seeking to rent empty airport hotels in foreign countries as offshore quarantine facilities for stranded Australian citizens?
The Australian government often encourages rent-seeking and rewards rent-seekers, in various ways.
The Australian government often abandons ordinary citizens and asylum seekers.
Why has it apparently been too hard for the Australian government, since early last year, to rent otherwise unused passenger aircraft for emergency airlifts of abandoned citizens? 
Why has it apparently been impossible for the Australian government, since early last year, to provide  military-style repatriation camps near Australian military facilities for temporary quarantine purposes during a seriously dangerous pandemic? 

How are you attempting to thwart evil, in all its forms, including indifference to suffering?

Governments tend to be evil, not only incompetent. 

Yet businesses tend to be filled with people possessing a tendency to express superficial charm.  Such people are known to fund political campaigns and shape public opinion.

There is a deeply worrying scarcity of enlightened beings in the world, as has been the case throughout history.

There is also a deeply worrying abundance of persons with a propensity towards evil, as usual.

Perhaps you are cruel.

Perhaps you are otherwise evil.

Perhaps you are often hypocritical.

Do you have a clear and consistent sense of duty in relation to the provision and expansion of empathy in the world, particularly in and from the wealthy and political bits of it?

Perhaps you would rather entertain yourself with fictional stories about counteracting evil rather than counteracting it adequately in real life. 

In elections, most voters are incapable of knowing whether a candidate is more likely to support good or evil.

That is primarily due to the fact that most purported journalists tend to do the bidding of evil, not good.  They fail to ask the most necessary questions.

And that is why structural inequality continues.

That reality is evident in degraded democracies, blatant autocracies and other authoritarian contexts.

Preventing evil is impossible when the powerful encourage evil.

Peacefully ridding the world of evil governments is only possible when the public is aware of what is evil and what is not.

All corruption is evil.

How can corruption be stopped?

How can non-corrupt governments be acquired, in any part of the world?

If you are an Australian citizen, are you also a member of the Australian Political Reform Club

Whether you are an Australian citizen or not, are you able to define the qualities expressed through a good government?

Are you sure you have a non-corrupt approach to developing and maintaining political pleasantness in the public interest?

Are you contributing appropriately to civility today and Civility Today?

Does your political philanthropy support necessary ethics adequately?

Although quality political satire is one of several useful ways to highlight wrongdoing and discourage corruption, it does not necessarily improve politics at all.

Even a powerful tool for good in the world does little to rid the world of evil governments.

All tools for good must be is used effectively, and consistently.

The structure of enlightened benevolence is clear and reasonable.

Much important evidence is often hidden by persons benefiting from a lack of openness, and honesty.

Perhaps you are perceived as a threat by the people whose standards and/or hypocrisy you question.

There are many cruel persons of high intelligence as well as many cruel persons of average intelligence and low intelligence.

There are far too many bullies employed in most organisations, all over the world.  Your philanthropic duty is to hold them to account.

There are also many bullies associated with organisations in other ways.  Your philanthropic duty is to hold them to account.

There are even numerous bullies who are not associated with organisations at all.  Your philanthropic duty is to hold them to account.

Perhaps you do not usually associate philanthropy with the expression of moral dutifulness.

Perhaps you do not usually associate politics with the expression of moral dutifulness.

Perhaps you are too full of hubris to think about anything but your own interests, as is the case with most of the persons currently in leadership positions.

Perhaps you do not regard yourself as being in a position of leadership.

Perhaps you mainly regard yourself as being in a position of influence, or without influence at all.

Perhaps the idea of universal justice lacks appeal for you because you think you are superior to most people.

If you gain pleasurable excitement through aggression, that may be because your pathetic little mind is so incapable of understanding a gentle philosophy of universal peace and universal prosperity.

Perhaps you do not value enlightenment, benevolence or anything else consistently humane.

Perhaps you have no interest in alleviating the suffering of anyone but yourself.

Perhaps you believe people should take responsibility entirely for themselves.

If you are unconcerned about suffering in the world, and regard it as normal, then you are unlikely to be motivated to investigate its causes.

Indifference to suffering is cruel in itself.

Perhaps your seeming indifference is mostly an expression of powerlessness and exhaustion rather than cruelty, at least from your own point of view.

Real philanthropy seeks to address the causes of suffering and other problems.

How do you prevent yourself from contributing to the profits and other gains of evildoers?

How do you usually try to educate yourself, particularly about politics?



What have you already discovered about the parallel world of the second Age of Enlightenment, and how?

How have you attempted to improve your philanthropy, especially your political philanthropy?

What do you know about quality citizen journalism as political philanthropy?

How have you been assessing the climate of political philanthropy

Where has your political philanthropy been supporting public interest journalism?

How has your philanthropy been expressed through enlightened patronage?

What are your current views about good and evil, and why? 

With so much corruption, greed and cruelty in the world, have you often found yourself choosing between several evils rather than several good options? 

How often have you regarded money as an end in itself?

How often do politicians regard money as an end in itself?

How often do people in business regard money as an end in itself?

How often do the managers of any type of organisation regard money as an end in itself?

If you are an Australian citizen, how have you attempted to improve Australian politics?

What do you know about Australian journalists

What do you know about the Civility Party of Australia?

What do you know about the public interest?

What do you know about satire?



How do you attempt to combine quality policy making with quality journalism and quality satire?

And how do you attempt to encourage the public, all over the world, to appreciate quality?
